Page 7 - 2021 WORK PLAN
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Projects completed in 2020 - We anticipate that the NAPPO EC will endorse/approve the final versions of each product
                                                           during the first quarter of calendar year 2021.
                      Update NAPPO  RSPM 9:  Authorization of     •  Review/update RSPM based on recently adopted plant       RSPM 9
                          RSPM        Laboratories for               health standards, current industry practices, government
                                      Phytosanitary Testing          regulations and scientific/technical information.
                                                                  •  RSPM 9 is important for accreditation programs and
                                                                     facilitating certification and exports of plant products.

                        Lymantriids   Develop a Science and       •  Examine selected Lymantriid species to identify and     Lymantriids
                                      Technology document on         characterize species presenting potential risks to North
                                      risks associated with          America.
                                      Lymantriids of concern to   •  Data for 80+ species was summarized, analyzed, and
                                      the NAPPO region,              included in the draft document.
                                      identifying potential species
                                      and pathways of concern
                      Update NAPPO  RSPM 5: NAPPO Glossary of  •  AMC identified terms that needed to be defined/added.       RSPM 5 -
                          RSPM        Phytosanitary Terms                                                                       AMC

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