Page 3 - 2021 WORK PLAN
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2   Forestry - Asian  Review of selected          •  The objectives of this new project include:            Forestry-
                        Gypsy Moth    Lymantriids and other              o  understanding the risks of selected Lymantriid     AGM
                          (AGM)       species that might be                  species that can potentially be introduced into
                                      considered for inclusion in            North America.
                                      the AGM vessel-                    o  determining whether/how to incorporate high
                                      certification program for              risk lymantriid species into the existing North
                                      North America                          American vessel-certification programs, including
                                                                             their potential impacts on regular reviews of the
                                                                             Specified Risk Periods for AGM.
                                                                    •  Targeted initiation 2021, once Lymantriid S&T
                                                                       document is approved by the NAPPO EC and current
                                                                       AGM SRP project is finalized.
                                                                     Ongoing projects
                  3    Seeds ToBRFV   A pilot for harmonization of   •  Project will be a model for regional harmonization on   Seeds
                                      diagnostic protocols for         seed diagnostics and facilitate safe trade of seeds.    ToBRFV
                                      seed pests focused on         •  The EG is developing the pilot’s plan of work (or Terms
                                      ToBRFV                           of Reference) for NAPPO governance committee
                                                                    •  To progress the work, EG has formed 2 subgroups – (1)
                                                                       diagnostic protocols & (2) validation criteria.
                                                                    •  Subgroup 1 compiled a list of 15 PCR-based protocols
                                                                       and identified criteria to select most appropriate
                                                                       protocol(s) for the pilot. Five were selected for next
                                                                       steps, including real-time and conventional PCR
                                                                    •  Subgroup 2 drafted a document highlighting the
                                                                       protocol validation criteria.
                                                                    •  NPPO members to provide a list of laboratories for
                                                                       possible ring testing (as part of the validation process).
                  4      ISPM 25      Standardization of            •  Develop a NAPPO Manual based on ISPM 25 -              ISPM 25
                      implementation  responsibilities and actions     Consignments in Transit and IPPC Transit Manual to
                                      for safeguarding                 promote harmonized and efficient implementation of
                                      consignments that have           ISPM 25 within the NAPPO region.
                                      transited one NAPPO

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